Clyde Van Slyke


Clyde Van Slyke Obituary

 On November 18th, 2020, Clyde Van Slyke got the“highball” signal (railroad for “all clear”) to depart this world to be with his Higher Power.  

 Clyde was born on December 12, 1936 to Ray and Ila Van Slyke Whitefish Montana.  After graduating high school, he went to work as a fireman with the Great Northern Railroad. After a few years railroading, he switched careers to retail management, including working as a district manager for Coast To Coast in Washington.  In 1973, he was offered a job with the Burlington Northern in Sheridan.  Not sure what Sheridan had to offer, he first visited, quickly fell in love with the town and the mountains, accepted the job and moved his family.


A recovering alcoholic, he was grateful for AA, and sponsored many individuals throughout his life.  As a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, he served many years as both local chairman and division president. He was an avid golfer, and thoroughly enjoyed Kendrick golf course with his many golfing buddies.  He loved spending time in the Big Horn Mountains, fishing many miles of the North and South Tongue river, and instilled in his children the same sense of wonder and enjoyment in those mountains.  


He was a “do-it-yourself-er” and his many accidents are the stuff of legends, including cutting down a pine tree which landed on his truck, having a jacked-up truck fall on him and puncture his arm with the muffler, falling off the roof of the house and breaking his back, suffering 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his wrist when his watchband made contact between a 12v battery terminal and the truck chassis, flipping over his four-wheeler, smashing his fingers in a log-splitting accident, and other exciting escapades too numerous to mention.


Clyde loved dogs.  When he wintered in Lake Havasu City, AZ, he discovered a nearby dog park to which he routinely took his dog.  Wondering if the Sheridan community might be interested in have a dog park of it’s own, he suggested to idea to a number of individuals, and the idea took off, resulting in the dog park at North Sheridan Avenue and E. 2nd Street.


We are all blessed knowing that Clyde maintained his independence, sense of humor, and joy up to the very end. Clyde leaves in the siding three children, sons Brad (Basia) of Arvada, Colorado, Patrick of Monrovia, California, daughter Libby of Arvada, Colorado, and five grandchildren, all of whom he loved dearly.


A Funeral Mass for Clyde Van Slyke will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 10 am at Holy Name Catholic Church with Father Prakash officiating. A graveside service with Military Honors will take place immediately after church services. A reception will be held immediately after graveside services at Kendrick Golf Course. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Dog and Cat Shelter of Sheridan. Champion Funeral Home has been entrusted with local arrangements. Online condolences may be written at


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June 17, 2021
Start Time:
10 am
Holy Name Catholic Church, 260 E. Loucks St., Sheridan, WY 82801 ~ Graveside service with Military Honors will immediately follow Mass ~ Reception will immediately follow graveside service at Kendrick Golf Course


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