Lanora Yates


Lanora L. Davis-Yates
Lanora Louise Yates, 74, passed away Friday, December 6, 2019 at the Billings Clinic. Lanora was born February 7, 1945 to Winfred Francis Davis and Nora Harris-Davis in Rawlins, Wyoming. She grew up in Rawlins and attended High School there. Lanora moved to Laramie where she worked in a grocery store butcher shop. She met Bruce Yates in 1970 while he was attending the University of Wyoming. After Bruce completed his degree in Civil Engineering in 1970, the couple moved to Cheyenne where Lanora completed her last year of High School. She raised their 3 children and became a highly skilled seamstress. She designed and repaired clothing for the Governor’s wife and many of Wyoming’s Legislators.
In 1975 Lanora and her family moved to Sheridan to be near her in-laws. In 1985, Lanora’s mother moved to Sheridan to be near her daughter. Lanora became the caregiver of her mother, her mother-in-law and several of her friends. Her 3 children went to school in Sheridan and Lanora worked on refurbishing and designing wedding and prom dresses for several local dress stores. Lanora never made mistakes when refurbishing $700-$1,000 dresses. Her precision work resulted in a statewide reputation, she worked local while still doing seamstress work for Governors and Legislators. She told Bruce, “There could be no better place to live than in Sheridan where the Big Horn Mountains towered over the communities.” Her mother said at age 75 that she had never seen snow 3 inches high, standing on the wire of fences.
Lanora was preceded in death by both her parents and her brother, Richard Roy Davis. She is survived by Bruce, her husband of 50 years, her son Grant, Denver, CO., daughter, Nora Parton (Anthony-deceased 2019), Albuquerque, NM., son Steve (Carol), Sheridan, 5 grand-children and 8 great-grand-children.
Lanora had many friends in Sheridan County and elsewhere. She has been cremated and the family will hold a “Celebration of Life” on June 23, 2020 in Sheridan. A place and time will be determined and announced at a later date, friends are invited, food and beverages will be provided. Donations to respect Lanora may be made to the “Clearmont Historical Center” PO Box 222 Clearmont, WY. 82835 or the “Sheridan Dog and Cat Shelter” 84 E. Ridge Rd. Sheridan, WY. 82801.

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