Robert "Bob" Ray Arzy
Robert (Bob) Ray Arzy was born on September 22, 1955 in Sheridan WY to Ray F. and Gloria S (Varcalli) Arzy. He was the third child of six. He was named (Bobby Ray) at the insistence of his older brother, Joe.
The family moved to Kemmerer, WY when Bob was 5. He went to Burgoon Elementary. Bob went to Laramie Jr. High and High School as the family moved to Laramie. In 1972 Bob played the tuba for the Laramie High School Marching Band. They went to Europe for competition and were there for 5 weeks competing in 5 countries. They won the title of “The World’s Best Marching Band.” When they came home, what they wanted most was milk. Upon graduating from high school, Bob wanted to go to the Air Force Academy for Military Police, but due to his eyesight he was declined. So he went to work as a plumber’s helper. He then was a security guard at the Wheatland power plant. This got him one step closer to working in law enforcement. He was hired by Campbell County Sheriff Dept., Rawlins Police Dept. and Wyoming State Penitentiary. He was a stockyard worker & a bartender. He loved driving and night driving did not bother him, so he went to work for Webb’s Trucking. While working for Webb’s he kept his camera with him. This grew to another hobby. Bob was great at math, so he did well in both road and building construction. He could get the berm within a quarter of an inch.
In April 2010 Bob had a brain aneurysm. He spent about 3 months at the University of Colorado Hospital and was not expected to live as he was in the 3 percentile of living. Upon being able to leave the Univ. Hospital he went to Westview Health Care. He called Westview home until May 14, 2024. The staff at Westview enjoyed Bob with his crazy songs & funny sayings. Sometimes he would get a bit too loud when singing his ditties and sometimes the songs would get a bit “colorful”. Bob had very little short term memory, but get him to talk about a hunting trip or a camping week-end, he would talk for an hour. Sometimes, Bob would be explaining a happening and not be able to find the word or term he wanted to say. This would bring him to call it, “Holy Muckers!”
Bob enjoyed his family. He loved camping, hunting, snowmobiling (Skidooing) and dancing. He said he was the “2nd best dancer in the State of Wyoming, because there had to be one better.” Bob had a special name for each of his nieces and nephews. His very special niece/camping partner/”adopted little sister” who became one of his guardians was Tana. He called her “Peanut” or “Tana Bug.” Bob was more than uncle to his nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
Bob was preceded in death by his parents, an older brother (Joseph W.) and a brother-in-law (Monty Webb). He is survived by an Uncle George (Jean) Arzy of Sheridan, sisters, Carol (Monty) Webb of Sheridan, and Christie (Patrick) Walport of Gillette, brothers, Mike and Jim (Carmen) of Sheridan. He is also survived by nieces Bree (Brian) Mitchell of Gillette, Shelta (Mark) Rambur of Gillette, Ashley Buenger of Columbus OH, Samantha Arzy of Billings, Tana (Nathan) Sikkinga and Toni (Branden) Larson of Gillette, Natalie (Eric) Benson of Casper, Jordan (Colin) Bolin of Chandler AZ, & Kalli (Isiah) Helferich of Hartville, MO and nephews, Josh Arzy of Casper, and Joey (Tamela) Arzy of Sheridan. He is also survived by many great-nieces, great-nephews, cousins, and friends.
A graveside service will be held on July 11, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. with a Celebration of Life at Marshall Park with Bob’s favorite foods.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to American Legion 7th Cavalry Drum & Bugle Corp, 137 N. Brooks St., Sheridan, WY or American Heart Association PO Box 78851, Phoenix, AZ 85062-9912.
Online condolences may be written at www.championfh.com.